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Ten steps to Expedite your BJJ learning

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is a complex and nuanced martial art, but with focused training and dedication, you can make significant progress quickly. Here's a roadmap to expedite your BJJ learning:

1. Determine Your Goals:

- Competition vs. Self-Defense vs. Fitness: Understand why you're training in BJJ. If it's for matches, your training will be different than if it's primarily for self-defence or fitness.

2. Start with the CORE principles and Technics:

- Learn the CORE principles: If you seek to understand why Jiu-Jitsu is effective, it will bring you great rewards.

- CORE Techniques: Focus on mastering CORE techniques.

- Take a systematic approach: Link one CORE position from each PHASE first, then explore other places.

3. Focused Training:

- Focus is Key: In order to improve faster, you need to focus on a small set of connecting moves.

- Private Lessons: If you can afford it, occasional private lessons can give you tailored feedback and accelerate learning.

4. Prioritize Wisely:

- Focused Drilling: Start slow and build up speed. Perfect repetition makes perfect technic.

- Positional Sparring: Spar starting from a specific position. It helps in understanding specific scenarios better.

- Full Sparring (Mindful Rolling): When rolling with someone better than you, focus on honing your defensive skills and surviving. When rolling with someone with less experience, concentrate on sharpening your offensive or defensive skills, depending on whether you're on top or bottom.

5. Active Learning:

- Take Notes: After each session, jot down what you learned, mistakes made, and areas of improvement.

- Study Videos: Use online platforms like BJJ Fanatics, Grapplers Guide, etc., to study techniques and strategies.

- Analyze Matches: Watch high-level BJJ competitions. Understand the strategies and techniques used.

6. Physical Conditioning:

- Strength Training: Incorporate a basic strength routine focusing on functional movements.

- Flexibility: Regular stretching and yoga can improve your BJJ game by making you more flexible and less prone to injuries.

- Cardio: Develop stamina through running, swimming, or other cardio activities.

7. Mindset and Mentality:

- Stay Humble: You'll be tapped many times. Learn from each experience, and don't get discouraged.

- Ask Questions: If you need clarification on a technique or position, ask. The BJJ community is generally very supportive.

- Compete: Even if your goal isn't competition-focused, participating in a tournament can be a great learning experience.

8. Network and Diversify:

- Open Mats: Visit available mats at different academies. Rolling with other people exposes you to various styles.

- Seminars and Workshops: Attend conferences by high-level practitioners when they're in your area.

9. Recovery and Rest:

- Listen to Your Body: Overtraining can lead to burnout and injuries. If you feel sore or tired, take a rest day.

- Nutrition: Eat a balanced diet to fuel your training and recover faster.

- Sleep: Ensure you're getting adequate sleep. Your body and mind recover and assimilate new information during rest.

10. Stay Updated:

- BJJ Evolves: New techniques and strategies emerge. Stay updated with the latest trends in BJJ to ensure you're caught up.

Lastly, be patient with yourself. While this roadmap is designed to help you learn fast, everyone's journey in BJJ is unique. Embrace the process and enjoy the trip!

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